Religion News

Sunday School children deplore evil

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Sunday School children at Chinamwali CCAP Church in Zomba last Sunday left their parents and guardians impressed when they led both English and Chichewa services without difficulties.

The services were held under the theme: ‘Faithfulness brings success, disobedience brings disaster; God uses children to accomplish his missions.’

In her preaching, Tamanda Gondwe said children were failing to learn about their calling because they were surrounded by evil.

She drew her sermon from the books of 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and Mathew 19: 13 -15, which talk about the calling of Samuel and Jesus Christ advising parents to let children come to him.

Gondwe said majority of the children are exposed to harsh conditions such as child labour, rape and divorce of their parents, which negatively impact on their psychological well-being, thereby distracting them from concentrating on serving the Lord.

“Samuel was able to hear his calling because he was not exposed to such harsh conditions. Today, parents who are supposed to protect us from abuse are the ones committing the worst mistreatment on us. How can we hear the calling of God amidst all these exploitations?” she wondered.

Another preacher, Dorica Nkhata challenged church elders to look at the children as an integral part of the church.

Nkhata stressed the need for church elders and society to provide room for children to explore their abilities.

“When Christ Jesus commanded that children should come to Him He knew that Children have the capabilities. Therefore, you must give us a chance to allow God manifest himself through us,” she preached.

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